I must give credit to the following authors for their initial ideas and for the sheer genius they have displayed in creating these ideas. All we have done is taken what we consider to be the best and combining those elements to form our house.
Credit goes to Alistair Crowley and Cecil Jones for the A:.A:. System and Pete Carrol for the IOT structure.
As an organization we do not charge for anything and as such we can only provide limited paperwork, if the member should require more such as hard copies of documents these will be provided at only the cost of producing them and not for profit.
The Grades and Syllabus of the H.O.L
The grades and syllabus of H.O.L have been considered and set up to allow the magician to follow his own devices and not to restrict the development of the individual. Teaching shall be done by the grades above and are part of the flow of knowledge. Neophyte’s will be taught by the initiates with guidance from his adept and the initiates by the adepts, in turn the adepts will be taught by the Magus. This method guards against two things firstly it prevents dogma developing and secondly it enhances learning in a natural way, when a students is expected to teach those below them they tend to learn faster and better.
All initiation is done by self initiation we believe that no one person is capable of conferring initiation on another it is a matter of personal responsibility. Each ritual will be provided when the student is ready, there are blanks to fill out to tailor the rite to he individual.
The House will not chase members for their work or for submissions, no reminders will be sent and if a period of one month elapses without any contact we will assume that you have found a better path to follow.